
20 jul - 22 juli 2006

22 juli

20060726 160706 82250500

2006-07-22: Backfish

20060726 150758 30344800

2006-07-22: Khoma

20060726 150712 92525000

2006-07-22: Isobel

20060726 150753 51725200

2006-07-22: Jupither

20060726 140753 07190900

2006-07-22: Deportees

Foto: Herman Dahlgren och ...
20060724 160718 88249400

2006-07-22: The Bear Quartet

20060724 150712 29515200

2006-07-22: The Doits

21 juli

20060722 170752 18572600

2006-07-21: Montt Mardié

20060724 230749 92779600

2006-07-21: Henry Chapman

20060722 200716 78793400

2006-07-21: Dub Sweden

20060724 150758 60474000

2006-07-21: Paddington DC

20060724 180752 03174400

2006-07-21: Mikael Wiehe

20060724 180718 17226800

2006-07-21: Lo-Fi-Fnk

20060722 200703 59423300

2006-07-21: The Slaves

20060722 170747 99560300

2006-07-21: I'm From Barcelona

Foto: Sara Moritz och ...

20 juli

20060722 100749 74922500

2006-07-20: Katie Goes To Tokyo

Foto: Herman Dahlgren och ...
20060721 220732 80340500

2006-07-20: The All Janet

20060721 210703 24702500

2006-07-20: Atomic Swing

Foto: Herman Dahlgren och ...
20060720 220736 72946800

2006-07-20: The Animal Five

Foto: Herman Dahlgren och ...
20060722 100752 29435700

2006-07-20: Wendy McNeill

20060720 210739 62808100

2006-07-20: Vapnet

Foto: Sara Moritz och ...
20060720 200748 82224400

2006-07-20: Kristofer Åström

20060721 220727 57024300

2006-07-20: Entombed

torsdag 20 jul

Tid Artist Scen
18:00 Kristofer Åström NV Scenen
19:30 Vapnet NV Scenen
20:30 Wendy McNeill Campus
21:00 The Animal Five NV Scenen
22:30 Atomic Swing NV Scenen
23:00 The All Janet Sfr Hallen
23:30 Katie Goes To Tokyo Campus
00:00 Entombed NV Scenen

fredag 21 jul

Tid Artist Scen
18:30 The Slaves NV Scenen
19:30 Lo-Fi-Fnk Campus
20:00 Mikael Wiehe NV Scenen
20:45 Paddington DC Alternativ Scenen
21:00 Holger Danske Campus
21:30 Dub Sweden NV Scenen
22:30 Henry Chapman Campus
23:00 Montt Mardié NV Scenen
00:01 Holiday With Maggie Campus
00:30 I'm From Barcelona NV Scenen

lördag 22 jul

Tid Artist Scen
16:30 The Doits Campus
18:00 The Bear Quartet Campus
19:00 Staffan Hellstrand NV Scenen
20:30 Deportees NV Scenen
21:00 Jupither Campus
21:30 Isobel Sfr Hallen
22:00 Khoma NV Scenen
22:45 Backfish Campus
23:30 Sugarplum Fairy NV Scenen
00:15 Mattias Alkberg BD Campus
01:00 Totalt Jävla Mörker NV Scenen

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